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What Do You Lead With?

Here is something we discussed at the last Adult Forum on Celtic spirituality. I wonder what you would say in this scenario? You have stepped onto an elevator and another person is already on board. They see you wearing a cross, and they ask you to tell them your faith tradition. You only have a few floors to explain (yes, this is an “elevator speech”), so what would you lead with? The incarnation of Christmas, the atonement of the cross on Good Friday, the resurrection of Easter, or the arrival of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost? Of course, all are foundations of our faith, but again I ask, which one would you LEAD with, knowing you had limited time?

The answer depends on your Christian background. If you have an Orthodox background, you will likely lead with the resurrection, Easter morning, and the Gospel of John. If you have a Catholic background, you may lead with the salvation of the cross, atonement, the mystery of suffering, Good Friday, and Paul’s letter to the Romans. If you have a charismatic or Pentecostal background, you may be all about Pentecost, acts of the apostles, and the gifts of the Spirit. Finally, if you are from the Anglican tradition, which includes Celtic influences, you would likely lead with the incarnation, Christmas, the prologue of the Gospel of John, the Word made flesh, God with us.

We all come from different backgrounds. What is your “elevator speech” for your faith? I’m very curious to know! Please email me and tell me what you would lead with. I’ll report back next week!

Mother Nina+



St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church

16275 Pomerado Road

Poway, California 92064

(858) 487-2159


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