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Elevator Speech

Last week, I proposed a scenario and asked you a question. You have stepped onto an elevator and another person is already on board. They see you wearing a cross, and they ask you to tell them your faith tradition. You have only a few floors to explain, so what would you lead with in this time-limited circumstance? Several of you responded! Here are some thoughts.

We can always say what we proclaim in Children’s Chapel:

God is love. Jesus is the Light. The Spirit is here.

That’s pretty quick, though, and might only cover one floor of transit! What if you have several floors and it’s a slow elevator? Here’s a mashup of some longer responses:

My God is the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is love and in all things. This love holds the universe together. The Holy Spirit calls us to turn to God, in whose image we are made. Jesus the Son is our Savior, who also serves as our example. He came to show us how to live life according to God’s way so that we can be in good relationship with God and each other. He died and came back to life to open the way to God for us. When we come together at church, we join with all of heaven in praising God and meeting with Jesus through the bread and wine. Then God sends us out, supported by the Holy Spirit, to spread God’s word and love to our neighbors. (Rector’s addition: To what end? To bring heaven and earth together.)

I wonder, is your “elevator speech” ready? Every Christian needs one—for others and for themselves. Best to keep one handy, because you never know who God will bring to you to learn about your faith.

Mother Nina+



St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church

16275 Pomerado Road

Poway, California 92064

(858) 487-2159


Office hours:

Monday-Thursday: 9am-4pm

Friday: 9am-1pm

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