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Advent on the Heels of Thanksgiving

While I wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving and give thanks for the gift that is you, I also ask you to look ahead! On our first Sunday in Advent, December 1, all ages are invited to the MPR at 9 a.m. to make Luminaria Advent Wreaths.

The reason I bring this up now is because there is a practice that will go with the Luminaria Advent Wreaths. Thanksgiving Day is a perfect day to get started on it!

The four luminarias in our wreaths represent what we reflect on during each week in Advent: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. This Thanksgiving, I wonder what inspires you with hope, peace, joy, and love? What physical items represent your inspirations? These are the items that will adorn your Advent wreath. These are the items that will help create your sacred space. Make a list this Thanksgiving!

On December 1, you will bring home your Luminaria Advent Wreath and set it up with some greenery. On that first Sunday in Advent, what can you add to your wreath that represents hope? I may place a small cross, a photo of my grandbaby, and some Scripture from the prophets.

Onward we will go, week by week, building our wreaths and saying our prayers. The light and our wreaths will grow as we grow nearer to the Light of the World. Will you share a photo of your wreath with us? I can’t wait to see yours!

Mother Nina+


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