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Outreach Ministries

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me." (Matthew 25:35)

St. Bart's legacy of caring for our neighbors is well-known in the community.





Working with our Outreach Partners, we focus on feeding hungry people, supporting people who are unhoused, and supporting educational programs for disadvantaged kids, youth, and adults.


We are a faith community generous with our time. talent, and treasure, putting our faith into action to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world.


Vida Joven de Mexico

Interfaith Community Services

St. Mark's, City Heights

Episcopal Parish of St. Luke's

Episcopal Community Services

Miramar Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society

Epiphanie School in Loranette, Haiti

Food, Meals, and Feeding Ministries

Hungry people lose hope. St. Bart's volunteers make a difference each week--making hundreds of sack lunches and cooking and serving 100+ meals at breakfast and dinnertime.


Fresh food from the San Diego Food Bank is picked up and delivered in North Park. 140 refugee families who are relocated to San Diego County receive this food distribution every week.


For 20 years baskets containing groceries to make a traditional Thanksgiving meal are donated and delivered by St. Bart's families in transitional housing. Christmas Eve lunch is prepared and served to over 100 unhoused people in City Heights by our volunteers.

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Supporting Unhoused People

People in our community without housing cannot receive mail, cannot apply for a driver's license, may not have money for rent deposit or car repairs, and cannot take a shower or wash their clothes prior to a job interview. St. Bart's Outreach provides partner funding to support people who just need a little help to reach their goal of permanent housing.


We provide financial support to orphanages in Baja, Mexico that provide housing for orphans and migrant children. Volunteers from St. Bart's team up with the local Lutheran church and Project Mercy leaders twice a year to build a house in a day for a family in Tijuana, Mexico.

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Supporting Education Programs

Kids, Youth, and Adults in San Diego County are able to learn with backpacks & school supplies, tutoring & mentoring programs, computer labs, and job search training supported by St. Bart's Outreach volunteers and funding. In addition, the St. Bart's Scholarship programs provide financial aid for those who are pursuing higher education and training.


Our Outreach also supports orphanages in Baja, Mexico that hold educational programs for orphans and migrant children. St. Bart's coordinated multiple mission trips to Loranette, Haiti and partnered with the community to build a school and provide continuing support for feeding the kids, school uniforms, and teacher salary subsidies. 


St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church

16275 Pomerado Road

Poway, California 92064

(858) 487-2159


Office hours:

Monday-Thursday: 9am-4pm

Friday: 9am-1pm

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